Articles in Featured

One of the areas of travel planning that I have relatively little experience in is airline ticket booking. In the past, I have typically just gone to Kayak or CheapoAir and bought the cheapest non-insane …

You all are! Once in Mongolia, I will be completing this project entirely on my own (with the help of locals) but until I step off that plane, anyone who reads or contributes to this …

Mongolia is a country with very few paved roads, as well as very few official roads in general. While this is not a problem for me due to the fact that I will be traveling …

I have a Mongolian pen pal who is, conveniently, a guide during the summer months. I have been corresponding with him through traditional pen-and-paper mail for a few months now, and though the mail between …

Do you have travel or outdoors gear getting lonely in your closet? A parka from a trip to Tibet that has outgrown its usefulness now that you are based in a bungalow near Bangkok? A …

Buying travel insurance for a cruise or a week-long jaunt to France is pretty easy. Just hit up WorldNomads or any of the other great a travel insurers that are out there, and …

When I first started planning TME back in January, my plan was to do this whole trip solo. As I began to think more and more about the logistics, I realized that I …

Organizing the funding for The Mongolian Experiment is one of the most important and most complicated aspects of the project. It is going to be an expensive project, but not as expensive as one might …

I am incredibly lucky that Arlington, VA has the second highest population of Mongolians in the country (after San Francisco), and they are primarily located in our general vicinity. There are so …

One of the major things I need to work out for this project is finding the right guide service to go through, so that I can start contacting them regarding the project. I can’t …